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Garden Friends

A garden is home to much more than vegetables and flowers. Gardens provide habitats for many kinds of animals, some of which are the gardeners best friends. In gardens, animals find an ample supply of the things they need: food, water, protection from predators, and nesting sites. In exchange, they enrich the soil, pollinate flowers, and gobble up insect pests.

Earthworms burrow into hard soil, creating channels where water can drain and air can get to the roots of plants. The wastes that earthworms deposit in soil provide nutrients for the plants.

Ladybugs, also called ladybird beetles, eat aphids-small, soft insects that look like tiny grains of rice. Aphids suck the juices from garden plants and kill them.

Lucky is the gardener who provides a home for a toad! In a single growing season, a hungry toad can eat more than 10,000 garden pests. Toads hide in cool, dark places during the day. They come out at night to hunt.

Many garden plants need butterflies to pollinate them. Butterflies are active during the day. They have good color vision but a poor sense of smell, so they are attracted to bright (often red), odorless flowers.

Mature bees visit flowers to collect pollen and nectar to eat. In turn, bees do plants a favor. They transfer pollen from one plant to another. If they didn't, many plants couldn't form seeds.

The praying mantis captures and eats many kinds of insects that bother a garden. The mantis looks like a leaf or a stem. While waiting for its dinner to come along, it folds up into a "praying" position, with its legs under its head. Then zap! It leaps and captures its prey.
